Exciting Announcement: We have a NEW Government-Owned Land database that covers GTHA & Ottawa!

A map and analytic platform
for affordable housing

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Affordable360 is a powerful mapping and analytic platform designed to streamline the due diligence process for properties with affordable housing potential in Canada.

With 3 easy steps you can identify, assess, and develop affordable housing projects
more efficiently than ever before!
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Get started with Affordable 360 and get access to over 6 key housing indicators and over 600 regulatory planning datasets covering 20 municipalities!
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Affordable 360 is an all-in-one mapping and analytic platform for the affordable housing development industry. We leverage powerful cloud data solutions to provide you with the information you need in a matter of minutes. Our goal is to make the process of developing affordable housing in Canada more efficient and accessible.

Affordable 360 is funded by CMHC and is free for any non-profit organization and government agency working in the affordable housing industry. Click here to learn more.



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